Matthew Ledvina is presently focusing on his role as the managing director of the Fintech company based in London. Even though that endeavour is his central concern for the foreseeable future, he continues to advise family offices on the optimal tax and investment strategies for cross-border families.
After leaving Baker McKenzie, the law firm where he worked for around five years, Matthew worked at the Julius Baer bank in Zurich as the executive director of the Head of UK Wealth Planning. During this time, Matthew collaborated with friends from Baker McKenzie to create a new law firm that focused on cross-border financial and tax matters. After spending only one year at the bank, Matthew and his friends from Baker McKenzie founded a boutique law firm. During the years 2010 to 2018, this company proved to be a success for Matthew, and it grew from a small company of four employees to a larger venture that employed 40, with offices in Zurich, Geneva, and Lugano. Matthew left the firm in 2018 to create a new private office servicing US connected families, and to pursue his passion for the Fintech entrepreneurship. Today, he is hard at work pursuing a passion for venture capital and the Fintech. He still provides families with capital preservation strategies at a private office, with a focus on cross-border tax optimization and succession issues. However, his main focus is serving as a managing director of the Fintech startup in London that specializes in asset-backed lending.
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